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A DQA230 Raingauge NO Syphone (MTI.RR.TB.LS.230) is a device to measure liquid rainfall amount and intensity. The device is composed of rain collector cone and a double-chamber tipping bucket connected to magnet. The magnet operates one reed switch, which generates impluses that can be counted by external meters.

Siphon versions (DQA230.1-231.1-230.3) are equipped with a siphon placed on the cone's nozzle; is has functon during heavy rain, to regulate the flow into the bascule permitting all the water to fall inside the tipping bucket. This solution gives its best results where the main needs in the measurement of the total amount of rain over long periods. Class A rain gauge, with collector area of 323 cm2, reolution:0.2mm

DQA230 Raingauge NO Syphone

  • • Class A (UNI EN 17277:2020): YES

    • Calibration certificate : Included for Class A

    • Diameter : 203 mm

    • Collector area: 323 cmq

    • Weight : 1.3 kg

    • Heater : NO

    • Heater operative temperature: -

    • Siphone: NO

    • Accuracy: 0...500 mm/hr intensity 3% UNI EN 17277:2020 (using correction formula)

    • Max range : 500 mm/h

    • Protections: Capacitor debounce circuit

    • Operative temperature: 0...80°C

    • Cable: Not included (DWA5xxA)

    • Material : Housing: UV resistance aluminum

    • Tipping spoon: plastic

    • Base: plastic

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