Model EDJ-40C2 (MTI.EWS.ER.M-EDJ-40C2) is a biaxial mechanical crack meter with a marking of ±25 mm (x-axis) and ±10 mm (y-axis). It is ideally suited for measuring the change in width of a surface crack to a resolution of 0.5 mm, or shearing. EDJ-40C2 biaxial rack meter consists of a graduated scale with a resolution of 0.5 mm and a transparent acrylic plate with a hairline cursor mark. The graduated scale and the transparent acrylic plate is assembled across the crack with expandable anchors in 5 mm diameter holes drilled to a depth of 30 mm as shown in the adjacent figure.
Crack and Joint Meter Model EDJ-40C2
• Sensor Type: Mechanical, biaxial
• Parameter: Crack, 2-axis
• Range: 50, 100 mm
• Key Testing / Calibration: -
• Key Feature/Advantage: Simple to install and read
• Protection (Waterproofing): -
• Dimension (mm): -