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Smart Poultry

Mertani introduces Smart Poultry, an intelligent solution for comprehensively monitoring your farm's environmental conditions. This technology helps you achieve more efficient and productive farming operations.
Plug & Play
Access Anytime
& Anywhere
Waterproof Enclosure


  • In the modern era, poultry farming requires intelligent solutions to achieve optimal efficiency and safety. Smart Poultry is the answer, with advanced technology that monitors poultry environmental conditions in real-time.

  • By carefully monitoring environmental conditions, farmers can quickly respond to changes that affect the health and growth of poultry, prevent losses due to suboptimal conditions, and effectively increase productivity.

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Programs Smart Poultry


Smart Poultry is a modern concept in poultry farming that uses advanced technology to monitor the environmental conditions around the poultry. This helps improve production efficiency and poultry welfare by providing accurate and real-time information to farmers.


Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

  • Mertani data logger
  • Power unit 
  • Data Communication (2G, 4G, LTE)
  • Panel box
  • Wiring system
*RTU installation can be adjusted to field conditions

Smart Poultry Sensors

  • Ammonia (Measuring ammonia concentration,monitor air quality, Prevent exposure to ammonia)
  • Atmospheric (temperature,humidity,wind velocity, Wind direction, air pressure)
Details Comingsoon
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Software System

Android Apps
  • Harvest data from the field
  • Realtime monitoring (chart, raw data, and downoad data)
  • Get Quic notifications of real-time data
Dashboard PC
  • Sensor and device management
  • Daily, monthly, and annual data report
  • Device Location tracking (GPS)

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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55286​

(0274) 2888 087

+62 851-7337-3817 (Mertani Team)

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