Monitor your company's wastewater management and comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). Allow us to assist you in implementing a Continuous and Networked Wastewater Quality Monitoring System (Sparing)
Plug & Play
Acces anytime & anywhere

Waterproof Enclosure
Industry is currently facing challenges in managing its wastewater. Wastewater management is regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) under the Continuous and Networked Wastewater Quality Monitoring System (Sparing) program.
Sparing program provides significant benefits to the industry, government, and the community in understanding the levels of wastewater pollution and taking preventive measures to reduce its impact.
By monitoring wastewater quality, this program can also help create a cleaner and healthier environment, ensure sustainable water resource usage, and protect aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity.

Programs Sparing
The Continuous and Networked Wastewater Quality Monitoring System, hereinafter referred to as "Sparing," is a system used to monitor, record, and report the measurement activities of a parameter and/or wastewater flow rate automatically, continuously, and in a networked manner.
Legal Basis:
Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.93/MENLKHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2018. see details
Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.80/MENLKHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/10/2019. see details
Schematic Sparing

Schematic Sparing KLHK
Sparing consists of several main parts :
Water sampling can be conducted using two methods: 1) by immersing the sensor directly into the water or 2) by pumping water samples and then reading them in a water tank. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages and can be adapted to field conditions. However, in the principle of water sampling, both methods are carried out in real-time or continuously.
2.Data Communication Technology
Sparing devices need to be connected to the internet, for example, using Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) technology. This technology is used as the communication medium between the data center (server) and the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) at the monitoring location.
3.Data Management Technology
Data obtained from sensor measurements are then transmitted to the server, processed, and presented in a more easily understandable format, both for the Government/KLHK and the Sparing user companies. The information system can use licensed Windows-based applications or open-source software applications.

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
Mertani data logger
Power unit
Data Communication (2G, 4G, LTE)
Panel box
Wiring system
*RTU installation can be adjusted to field conditions

Pass Connectivity Test
PT. Merapi Tani Instruments is proud to announce that our program (SPARING) has successfully passed the connectivity test conducted by the Directorate General of Water Pollution Control and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). The Continuous Wastewater Quality Monitoring System (SPARING) we developed has met the established standards, ensuring reliable, automated, and regulatory-compliant water quality monitoring capabilities